Is Monsolí rice flour really gluten free?
Yes. Monsolí Rice Flour is a gluten-free product, prepared in machines that process only rice, offering no risk of contamination by other grains.

My Solito product came with a problem, now what?
If your product came with a problem, just call our customer service at the number: 0800 704 1866. Do not forget to have the product package or the invoice of the purchase.

Is white rice perishable?
No, but it should be kept in a tightly closed container, in which no air, sunlight and moisture could get it.

How to store Solito products?
Solito products are made with high quality and their storage should be in clean, fresh, away from sunlight, odor-free and away from cleaning products.

My closet has pests, how can I eliminate them?
Pests can appear in cabinets and contaminate diverse products. To eliminate them, check all the products of the cabinet, discarding those that have them. Then clean the cabinet every 2 days, paying attention to the corners. It is also important to store the groceries in clean, closed containers. Tip: Coffee powder can help keeping away the pests, but cleaning more often is the best solution to eliminate the insects’ eggs.

What is the difference between the types of rice?
Type 1 rice has 95% selected grains, containing the lowest number of broken grains. Type 2 shows a larger number of broken grains.